Time Machine


Time Machine

We blog for a million different reasons,
But in the end, we are all storytellers.
Creative writing challenges are here to
help you push your writing boundaries
and explore new ideas, subjects, and writing skills. But there will be no one 
this blog, neither Albert Einstein nor 
any other scientist. But there will be something new in this blog.We are not showing the thoughts of any great 
Scientist but our thoughts. So you guys
must visit this blog and don't forget to 
Comment. So let's start.

So guys, before knowing about Time 
Machine, we have to know what is 

In your own words, what is the defination
Of  'Time' ?

This answer is basically A patched defination from how I understand time 
at the moment. It also includes, in my opinion, some interesting views on how 
I see time.

Have you guys ever tried to know about 
Time, have you done anything in any 
Way so that you can know that after all what is this Time....? 

There is no one defination of time on 
All humans agree. Some believe Time 
is Just a term describing the length of 
Duration and how long does it take for something to happen. other people 
think that Time is something that flows, 
While others think time is something 
that we move through. My defination 
Of time is somewhat different. 

Do you know who has explained time 
 And do you guys agree with their way of understanding time. [ Comment on this ].

Greek thinker ARISTOTLE :-  "The exact measure in between the before and afterness with respect to motion"......

So guys let's talk about the world's
Most Mysterious topic, which is the 
Time Machine. About which even 
Scientist have not able to do any 
Anything till date.


So guys, have you ever tried ko know 
What is time machine or have you ever heard About it from anyone.....
                                                   Today we
Talk about whether a Time machine Can 
Really be made, if yes, then when and if 
Not, Then why not. And so far what research and experiments have been 
done by the scientists about the Time 
Machine and what progress has beenade so far. .....

"The device in this photo is TARDIS , the 
Docter's time machine Which stands for 
Time and Relative dimensions in space."

It is generally understood that travelling forward or back in time would require a
Device - A Time Machine - to take there.
Time machine research often invloves bending the space time so far that time lines turn back on themselves to form a loop, technically known as a 
"Closed time - like curve" ..

In a very simple way we can say that 
a "Time Machine" is a device which 
brings out closed Time like curves - 
and thus enables Time travel - where 
None would have existed otheriwse.

So guys when we are talking about 
Time Machine then how can we forget 
Time travel. So let's talk about the suspicious thing "TIME TRAVEL"...

 So far out scientists Have not been able to find a way to time travel. For which they have to Invent the time machine first..

Great scientist ,"Stephen Hawking final 
Book suggest that Time Travel may one 
day possible"......
                             "If one made a research and grant application to work on time 
Travel It would be dismissed imidiately,"
Write the Physicist Stephen Hawking in 
his posthumous book. He was right. But 
He was also right that asking whether 
Time travel is possible is a " very serious 
Question" that can still be approached 
                             "The truth of today is we can't make a time Machine today, But the 
Question arises Whether we can make a 
Time Machine In the future or not"......

Friends you must have understood that 
That we cannot invent time machine in present..... If you guys are wondering What 
Can I do by snatching my time and what 
Should I do. Guys do you really think that Time machine could be an invention in 
the future, if yes, then what would you Like to do in the future... Don't forget to comment on this...
                                 Guys if you ask my opinion, I would say that Time Machine 
Will be such an invention Which will be more advance or modern That we imagine 
and even if, we will able to make a Time
Machine, we will never understand 
Time travel ......

Blog by .prakhar chourasiya.

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