

History Of The Telephone

Today, we take telephones for granted. You probably have a telephone within arm's reach us you read this. But just over 100 years ago, the idea instantly chatting to someone anywhere in world seemed impossible.

How did someone figure out the technology that makes the telephone possible?            

Where could telephones take us in the future? 

We are going to explain the history of Telephone.

Early Telephones

You may already know that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in the 1880s. But Bell didn't invent this device out of thin air: Early telephones had started being developed as early as 1660s. Yes these telephones were incredibly primitive compared to Bell's telephone, but they still deserve to be mentioned.

Mechanical and Acoustic Devices

Early Telephones are more accurately called Mechanical Acoustic Devices. Instead of transforming audios energy into electrical energy, these devices simply transmitted voice data mechanically like through pipes and other media. Using these basic devices, users could transmit speech and music over distances grater than you would be able to transmit if you were speaking. 

The six inventors typically credited with invented some type of electrical telephony devices included:-

  • Alexander Graham Bell:- Bell received the first up patent for the invention of the telephone in 1876. Bell used his own musical or harmony approach as a practical solution to the telegraph's problems  Bell's harmonic telegraph was based on the idea several notes could be sent along the way simultaneously as long as the notes or signal had different pitches.
  • Thomas Edison:- Edison is credited with inventing the carbon microphone, which Produce a strong Telephone Signal. 
  • Antonio Meucci:- In 1854, he constructed Telephone like devices.
  • Johann Philipp Reis:- In 1860, Reis constructed "Reis" Telephones practical, working devices.
  • Elisha Gray:- In 1876, Gray used a water microphone to create a telephone in Highland Park, Illinois. Gray and Bell developed their inventions simultaneosly and independently, which is why these two would fight a vicious legal battle over who actually invented the Telephone.
  • Tivadar Puskas:-  The Hungarian invented the Telephone switchboard exchange in 1876.

Out of all the inventors listed above, the biggest contention is whether Bell or Gray invented the Telephone. These two were the closest to create what we know as modern, working telephones.

Thanks For Reading, we hope you would like blog.

                     Written by :- Hiten Gupta

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