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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI can change the desire of life in future.

AI will be a godsend for the cybersecurity industry. With data leaks happening all the time, AI will resolve several of the biggest pain points for cybersecurity experts.

After all, AI is all about automation, and machine learning is a crucial part of this process. It allows machines to observe us and learn from our behaviour. The latest computer technologies can detect patterns in hacker attacks and provide predictive analysis for breaches before they occur.

Artificial intelligence is by no means a modern or unique concept. AI research has been going on for over 60 years, and a lot of big companies are already using it in their everyday operations. Still, AI continues to be a tough nut to crack so it’s still expensive to develop. The biggest challenge of 2021 will be to make this tech publicly affordable.

One question remains unanswered:

Is the technology industry the one to reap the most rewards from the adoption of AI?

Not by a long shot.

Medicare has been investing in AI for quite some time, and with some great results to show for it. Science experiments in fields like neuro-linguistic programming, biotechnology, and neural networks are not only invaluable for the evolution of humanity but are also progressively expanding the job market.

Transport and logistics have a lot to gain from artificial intelligence as well.

Another trend worth mentioning is the increased interoperability available between the set of neural networks supporting artificial intelligence. Developers are facing difficulties when it comes down to choosing the right framework for their AI systems. With this in mind, an AI model that is trained within a specific framework often ends up lacking support when attempting to transition to another network. That’s why developers are attempting to increase interoperability between the systems. This will likely lead to more capable AI systems.

So, where is technology headed in terms of its adoption? Researchers believe that during 2021, more businesses will consider implementing AI-based systems, especially for marketing. This trend is certainly interesting since customer engagement sounds like a job well-suited for humans. However, AI implementation in this case will likely save a lot of man-hours, while also reducing waiting times for customers requiring additional information.

Other areas of AI adoption in business include general tech-related processes, research efforts, development, and security. AI in 2021 will play a crucial role in scheduling, predictive maintenance, and maximizing energy efficiency. But that’s not the best part:

In the process of development and optimization, this trend in technology will create a wealth of new jobs.

Machine learning developers and programmers rank among the top emerging job positions garnering over 2000 active and well-paid listings on LinkedIn. While this automation will inevitably lead to job cuts in the manual labour sectors, it is also expected to create over 50 million new positions before 2030.

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